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Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Engage in meaningful activities and search insightful resources. Random PRIZE drawings will take place at the end of the campaign for those who participate. Directions: Write or type your answer in the document provided and send your completed sheet to Download fillable sheet here.
Go to this link on social connection and tell us one thing you learned from this article.
Click Here
Like the STIR Facebook page at
Do a random act of kindness or send a friend/colleague/
family member a gratitude note
Tell us one sign or symptom of Seasonal Affective Disorder found on this video
Prize options include gift certificates to:
Create and Connect Studio (Yoga & Arts) & Crafts
Take Off Nutrition (Shakes)
Cambo Flare
Ridgewood Bay
Holiday Gas Card
What number would you text for 24/7 crisis support – hint the answer can be found on
Share your favorite self-care activity on one of the Physical Friday resources
Go to the Substance Use Prevention Coalition Website and find one fact on marijauna use
Go to the Bounce Back Project Website and click on the Stay at Home Resource and identify one thing you could do while staying home.
List one way to talk to someone about mental health - hint the answer can be found under Week Two under Thriving Thursday.
Identify one of your strengths
What is one way you could increase your socialization this winter?
What other campaign topics would you like to see in the future?
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